Nutritional Benefits

Healthier chickens lay healthier eggs

There’s a heartening article in Mother Earth News about the scientific studies on pasture-raised eggs. While we encourage you to read the whole article yourself, here’s the gist of it.

Chickens that get outside, eat off the land and exercise produce eggs with:

  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • 4 to 6 times the vitamin D
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • 3 times more vitamin E 
  • & 7 times more beta carotene.

All in all, a tastier and much healthier egg.

I love LoLa’s locally laid eggs, they taste so flavorful and delicious. I love opening a carton of Locally Laid eggs and all the eggs are different sizes. I can breathe easy, knowing these are the real deal, and I’m not putting anything artificial in my body.
LoLa Egg Lover